La cerraja o lechuga de las liebres es el nombre comun de un numero de hierbas del genero Sonchus . Dicho genero, muy complejo y en revision taxonomica.
Sonchus oleraceus (common sowthistle, sow thistle, smooth sow thistle, annual sow thistle, hare's colwort, hare's thistle, milky tassel, swinies) is native to Asia.
Sonchus arvensis es una especie de plantas de flores perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae . Flor Inflorescencia Inflorescencia - Kerava, Finland Indice 1.
Asteraceae = Compositae Sonchus oleraceus L. Lechuguilla comun . Primera pagina de la especie Inicio del sitio (Home) 1. Nombres 2. Origen y distribucion 3.
The Plants Database includes the following 5 species of Sonchus. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles.
This plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below.This plant be known by one or more common names in different places, and.
Cerraja, Sonchus oleraceus - Flores - NatureGate - LuontoPortti
Identity Top of page Preferred Scientific Name. Sonchus oleraceus L. Preferred Common Name. common sowthistle. Other Scientific Names. Sonchus angustissimus Hook.f.
Identity Top of page Preferred Scientific Name. Sonchus oleraceus L. Preferred Common Name. common sowthistle. Other Scientific Names. Sonchus angustissimus Hook.f.
Sonchus oleraceus (common sowthistle) -
Sonchus oleraceus L. Lechuguilla comun . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Fotos 1-8 © Pedro Tenorio Lezama 2000 Inicio (Home) Datos de las fotos
Sonchus arvensis page - Missouri flora web page
CERRAJA - SONCHUS OLERACEUS - ANNUAL SOWTHISTLE - MALEZAS EN ARGENTINA. Sonchus oleraceus Cerraja (annual sowthistle).
CERRAJA - SONCHUS OLERACEUS - ANNUAL SOWTHISTLE - MALEZAS EN ARGENTINA. Sonchus oleraceus Cerraja (annual sowthistle).
Sow Thistle, Common, Spiny, Field | Eat The Weeds and other .
Natutal medicine can heal your body and mind. Medicinal herbs: Sow Thistle (Sonchus oleraceus).
AUTHORSHIP AND CITATION: McWilliams, Jack 2004. Sonchus arvensis. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky.
El genero Sonchus en las islas esta representado especies de amplia distribucion y por un elevado numero de especies endemicas, la or parte de ellas.
Sonchus asper (L.) Hill - Spiny-leaved Sow Thistle. Family - Asteraceae. Stems - To +1m tall ,erect, herbaceous, from taproot, fistulose, purplish, glabrous, glaucous.
Identificacion: plantula en roseta, con el hipocotilo muy reducido. Cotiledones ovales, cortamente peciolados. Hojas con un tomento caedizo de pelos pluricelulares.
Nombre cientifico o latino: Sonchus oleraceus. Familia: Asteraceae. Origen: Oriente Medio y Europa Oriental. Hierba de.
Sow thistle - Sonchus oleraceus. The binomial name for sow thistle is Sonchus oleraceus. Sonchus comes from Greek and means hollow, a reference to its hollow stem.
Sow thistle - Sonchus oleraceus. The binomial name for sow thistle is Sonchus oleraceus. Sonchus comes from Greek and means hollow, a reference to its hollow stem.
Sow thistles - A nutritious edible weed - Joan Hall on HubPages.
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