viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011



Las plumbaginaceas (Plumbaginaceae) son una familia de plantas fanerogamas de distribucion cosmopolita y pertenecientes al orden Caryophyllales . Incluyen 24.
174 Plumbaginaceae 1. Caracteristicas Porte: arbustos apoyantes o plantas herbaceas, anuales o perennes. Hojas: simples, enteras, lobuladas o pinnatifidas.
Plumbaginaceae (leadwort family) consists of perennial herbs and shrubs. The plants are characterized by alternating, simple leaves that often bear glands on the.

Plumbaginaceae. La famila de las Plumbaginaceae comprende alguna centena de especies tipicas de las regiones aridas o de sustratos con elevada concentracion salina.
Related WordsSynonymsLegend: Noun 1. Plumbaginaceae - perennial herbs and shrubs and lianas. cosmopolitan especially in saltwater areas family Plumbaginaceae.
Species names. The status of the 2,329 species names for the family Plumbaginaceae recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:.

Limonium myrianthum - Information on Limonium myrianthum .

Plumbaginaceae Jussieu Leadwort Family Nancy R. Morin Herbs or shrubs [lianas], perennial or, rarely, annual. taprooted or rhizomatous.
Plumbaginaceae Jussieu Leadwort Family Nancy R. Morin Herbs or shrubs [lianas], perennial or, rarely, annual. taprooted or rhizomatous.
Plumbaginaceae - definition of Plumbaginaceae by The Free.

Plumbaginaceae. Anuales o perennes, herbaceas o arbustivas, a veces trepadoras.Hojas en roseta basal o caulinares alternas, simples, sin estipulas, a veces.
Plumbaginaceae is a family of flowering plants are about 560 species in 10 genera found all over the world. They are annual or perennial herbs, shrubs and climbers.
Diversidad Vegetal- Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura (UNNE) CORE EUDICOTILEDONEAS 52 5.3.4. Plumbaginaceae 5.3.4.a. Caracteristicas.
Plumbaginaceae Autor: J. A. Devesa S. Castroviejo. Flora Vascular de Andalucia Occidental: Hierbas o subarbustos , frecuentemente con depositos de sales en los.
Plumbaginaceae [‚pl?m·b?·jnas·e‚e] (botany) The leadworts, the single family of the order Plumbaginales. Plumbaginaceae (plumbagos, or leadworts), a.
Plumbaginaceae - Plumbago family. Vickery, A.R. (1983) Plumbaginaceae FZ 7(1) Description of the family. Perennial herbs or small shrubs. Stipules 0.

Plumbaginaceae | Definition of Plumbaginaceae by Merriam-Webster

Definition of PLUMBAGINACEAE : a family of plants (order Plumbaginales) that are widely distributed especially in saline situations and have basal or alternate leaves.
Definition of PLUMBAGINACEAE : a family of plants (order Plumbaginales) that are widely distributed especially in saline situations and have basal or alternate leaves.
Plumbaginaceae definition of Plumbaginaceae in the Free.

plumbaginaceae | Search Palaeobotan y and Palynology , 42 (1984): 133--154 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam -- Printed in The Netherlands 133 The Northwest European.
Subcategories. This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total. Close-ups of Plumbaginaceae flowers? (1 C, 2 F).
PLUMBAGINACEAE FDRV1 March 2 Fig. 1 Various groups of Aboriginal people use the leaves as toy whistles, and sometimes children liken the leaves to imaginary.

Plumbago zeylanica, or White Leadwort is native to SE Asia. It is a much branched, evergreen shrub that reaches about 6 feet (2 meters) in nature.
Plumbago zeylanica, or White Leadwort is native to SE Asia. It is a much branched, evergreen shrub that reaches about 6 feet (2 meters) in nature.
Plumbago zeylanica - White Leadwort - Plumbaginaceae.

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